Job Loss due to Covid

Sarah Nyambura is a single mother living in Soweto village in the East of Nairobi City. She lost her job as a caregiver in a children’s home. Now she struggles to feed her two children- beautiful Petra Waithera, 12 and Joshua Mwazo, 7.
She lost her job in January but before she could get a new one, Covid 19 came calling and most businesses were laying off workers. “What a bad time for the plague to happen?” she questions.
She says she has been trying very hard to manage the little money she had saved before she lost her job but it’s not enough.
Echoing her frustration is her daughter Petra who is home like all the children after schools were closed to avoid pupils contracting Corona and spreading it. “My Mum is not working anymore and we have to be content and what she can afford even if it is a cup of porridge for supper. We have got used to have the little that’s available,” says Petra.
Before Jamii Bora Trust managed to rescue its members with some money to buy food items, Sarah says they had very little hope. “We were surviving on the mercies of God hoping for some angel to come to our rescue. The government hasn’t been helpful at all!”
She is grateful that she received some money from Ingrid Munro just on time when all her resources had depleted. “What a miracle to receive some assistance at such an opportune time!”
When she received the money she went straight to the shops and purchased food items like flour, cooking oil and sugar. “May God bless Mama Ingrid and give her many years to live.
We pray that more sponsors will come to her aid so that she may help more poor people before the disease is over.

Story information




Soweto, Nairobi, Kenya.