Indeed it is Possible
Yawezekana Sacco ltd was established in Kenya in 2011 to continue the work of Jamii Bora Trust micro finance for the poor which had started in 1999.
Our core belief is: - We believe that it’s possible to eradicate poverty. We believe that our members can change their lives and get out of poverty once they realize that its possible. Have gained enough self-confidence and help each other. We provide a ladder on which a poor mother can use to climb out of poverty, but she has to do the climbing herself.
We encourage a savings culture among our members. We respect that our members have different needs at different times. We have therefore made it our core value to be flexible and respond to all members needs.
We began in Jamii Bora Trust in 1999 with 50 street mothers with a desire to get out of poverty. These mothers became our most important recruiters of new members and continue to form the core of the organization.
Their success cannot be gainsaid!
Micro Finance Statistics
• No. Of Members Active Members Across the country 19,020.
• No of Branches Across the country 18.
Types of loans.
- Corona Loans are iterest free loans
- Micro Business Loans Starts From Kes 6000/- up-to 59000/- interest is 0.14% P.a. x2 off the applicants savings.
- Daraja Loans Starts From Kes 60,000/- upwards interest is 0.14% P.a. x2 off the applicants savings.

Our - Stories

From a Beggar to a Business owner
Rhoda Kivuva 50, is among the first members of Jamii Bora Trust. She started by saving 10 shillings a day. This amounted to fifty shillings a week and it was a struggle to manage this saving